Beat the Heat: Tips for Keeping Your Home Cool This Summer in Georgia

Beat the Heat: Tips for Keeping Your Home Cool This Summer in Georgia

Summers in Georgia can be brutal. With temperatures going up to 95°F and humidity levels reaching up to 90%, it’s challenging to keep your home cool. A house that’s too hot and humid can cause discomfort and even serious health issues. That’s why it’s essential to take steps to keep your home cool during the scorching summer months. In this blog post, we’ll share some tips for keeping your home cool and comfortable all summer long.

1. Install a programmable thermostat

Keeping your home cool during the hot months of the year can be a challenge, but fortunately, installing a programmable thermostat can make it an easier task. This type of thermostat is designed to adjust the temperature of your home according to your daily routine, which in turn helps you save money on your energy bill. By setting your thermostat to automatically adjust the temperature when you’re not at home, you can ensure that your home stays cool and comfortable without your intervention. A programmable thermostat is not only convenient, but it also helps to reduce your impact on the environment by minimizing your energy usage. At the end of the day, a programmable thermostat is a great investment for any homeowner who wants to keep their home cool without breaking the bank.

2. Use ceiling fans

Ceiling fans are a fantastic option for homeowners looking for a simple and cost-effective way to beat the heat this summer. With their ability to circulate air and create a wind-chill effect, you’ll stay cool and comfortable without having to constantly adjust your air conditioner. What’s even better is that they’re extremely easy to install, which means you can enjoy the benefits of a ceiling fan in any room you choose. By incorporating ceiling fans into your home, you’re not only keeping your space comfortable, but you’re also being energy-efficient which can help save money on your electric bill. So get ready to beat the summer heat with the help of a trusty ceiling fan.

3. Block out the sun

Sunlight can be a welcome source of light and warmth, but it can also be the culprit behind the uncomfortable heat that can quickly fill your home during the summer months. Fortunately, there are easy ways to keep your home cool and comfortable, even on the hottest days. Closing your blinds or curtains during the day can help block out the sun’s rays and keep the temperature inside your home lower. Additionally, installing solar shades can further reduce the heat in your home by blocking out the sun’s harmful UV rays. By taking these simple steps, you can enjoy a cooler, more comfortable living space all summer long.

4. Keep your air conditioning system well-maintained

When the summer heat kicks in, your air conditioning system becomes your best friend. It keeps your home cool and comfortable, allowing you to relax and enjoy the season. But like any good friend, your air conditioning system needs proper care and attention to stay healthy and reliable. That’s where regular maintenance comes in. By changing the air filter and cleaning the coils, you can help your AC run smoothly and efficiently, reducing energy costs and extending its lifespan. So don’t neglect your faithful cooling companion – give it the TLC it deserves and enjoy a stress-free summer.

5. Create shade outside

One effective way to keep your home cool during the hotter months is by creating shades outside. Not only do trees, bushes, and other vegetation provide natural and refreshing shade, but they also add an element of beauty to your property. Additionally, structures like awnings and pergolas can block direct sunlight and keep your home cooler. By adding an awning or pergola, you’re not only creating shade but also adding value to your property. With these shading options, staying cool during summertime has never been easier.

Stay Cool This Summer

Summer in Georgia can be quite the challenge. The hot and humid weather can make it hard to keep your home cool and comfortable. But don’t let that discourage you! With these tips, you can make it through the season with ease. A programmable thermostat can be your best friend, allowing you to control the temperature even when you’re not at home. Ceiling fans and solar shades can also help to regulate the temperature, keeping the air inside your house cool and refreshing. Remember to maintain your air conditioning system, as a little bit of upkeep can go a long way in ensuring that it functions optimally throughout the summer months. And if you’re looking to reduce the amount of sunlight that enters your home, creating shade outside is a great way to do that. With these simple tricks, you’ll be well on your way to beating the heat and enjoying the summer season in ultimate comfort.

AmBient Is Here to Help!

Georgia’s climate is characterized by hot and humid summers, which can make it feel even hotter than the actual temperature. The high humidity makes it challenging for HVAC systems to effectively cool the air, as moisture in the air holds heat, making it feel stickier and more uncomfortable. So it’s no joke that summer is the time for hot air, but that doesn’t have to mean uncomfortable temperatures inside your own home. With these tips about choosing the right air conditioning system and using preventive maintenance for top performance, you can keep your home cool and comfortable this season. Additionally, if you have any questions or need help making the best choice for a new air conditioning system in your home, reach out to Ambient Heating & Cooling — we are here to provide helpful advice and service to ensure your summer is cool and breezy. Don’t let the heat get you down — enjoy the warmer months while keeping your comfort levels peak by doing everything you can to keep yourself cool. After all, nothing quite beats coming into a home that’s just right temperature wise so you can relax with family and friends on summer nights!

AmBient Heating and Cooling is North Georgia's choice for home comfort solutions.

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